Rip Currents and the Galactic map

Each world that supports your race creates currents in the exotic ocean that joins systems togther. These currents allow your vessels to enter new systems, the currents wash upon those star systems, breaking down the barriers enough for your RipDrive ships to enter.

The currents go directly out from the system in straight lines. The first system that they meet become open to your ships.

These currents will criss cross the galactic map as you form colonies, so you should plan where you found colonies to ensure that your civilisation doesn't become too spread out, or cut off. Colonies can only form in systems up to 4 RipCurrents from your home world. Gates in systems with 10 planets or more count as only 2 from your homeworld, allowing you to grow your network of settles systems even further.

Your ships can also enter any system with your colonies on. There are many systems which are simply open to the current due to the large number of planets they have - you do not need to be joined by RipCurrents to these systems at all.

If you want to try to form and control and empire then you should carefully plan the topology of your currents - creating garrison system which you can quickly reinforce.

RipCurrents also effect revenue which contributes to your fleet support level.

RipCurrents and Nova shuttle taxation

Trade Gates (see constructs) will boost goods out of your colony systems into ripspace. Here the cargo containers are met by Nova shuttle fleets sent from your homeworld. These shuttles take a portion of the goods for the service they provide.

This 'tax' is 0, 0, 20 or 40% of the worth of the goods depending on the number of RipCurrent 'legs' between the system and your homeworld. If the system is connected directly to your homeworld then this counts as 1 leg and the tex level is 0%. If there is 1 system between the current system and your homeworld then this counts as 2 legs, and the tax is again 0%. At 3 legs the tax is 20% and at 4 legs it is 40%. Beyond 4 legs colonies cannot be formed.

Colonies in the same system as your homeworld are serviced directly by Nova shuttles from your planetary government. They tax your goods at 80% and think you should be grateful for what little they leave you.

Trade gates and Nova shuttles all run automatically, leaving you free to concentrate on victory!

10 Planets or more = Open systems

Systems with 10 or more planets with one of your trade gates in count as only 2 legs from your homeworld. These Open systems can be entered by any race and the battles will be intense.